Tuesday, January 22, 2008

It starts

So, you've found my blog. After many months of contemplating starting a programming blog, I've finally pulled the trigger.

Here I will be expressing my thoughts and views on programming in todays enterprise world and I'm sure I'll drop a tutorial or how-to in leading edge technology post every once and awhile.

Also, I'm not phenomenal at spelling and grammar. I am going to try and keep these posts reviewed by people who are good at those sorts of things. This is a short coming of mine, and I am aware of it, you do not need to tell me again! If you feel the need to point out that I spelled something wrong, or I missed a coma (<-- GET IT!), or used the wrong... blah blah blah, don't.

Now lets talk about the name. No, I do not have bipolar disorder (though the variance in my posts may make you think I do). It's named after the 'record label' I released my old band's CD on. It's a math reference. Polar... GET IT? If you don't, learn math, or go READ! (I've done the leg work for you, don't be lazy).

DISCLAIMER: You will find posts here to be somewhat extremely elitist, this is because I am smarter than you. If you cannot take my posts with a grain of salt, do not read them. Do not flame on this blog. If you disagree with the post, feel free to comment with your thoughts, but please, please, please, write a draft, have someone peer review it, re-write the draft, get another peer review and THEN post it.

DISCLAIMER TO THE DISCLAIMER: No, I don't think I'm smarter than you. Read the disclaimer.